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National Flags of Asia

The National banner is an image or seal of a nation, and therefore it speaks to a nation. 
Every nation on the planet has its own combination of colors, shapes and images, however conventionally practically all national flags are rectangular. 

On this page there are the flags of all sovereign countries of Asia, except for Tibet, which is officially the Tibet Autonomous Region and part of PR China. Macau and Hong Kong are uncommon regulatory areas (SAR) of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC) oversees the island of Taiwan. PR China considers Taiwan officially as one of its territories.

Palestinian National Authority is the managerial association, set up to administer portions of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, yet parts of the Palestinian territories are under Israeli control. 

All Flags of Asia

At you can discover a diagram of flags of every single Asian nation. The countries of Asia can be arranged alphabetically on the name of the nation, yet additionally on the populace and size of the nation. Each banner has a description and it is additionally shown which colors are utilized and what the first proportion of the banner is. It is likewise expressed when a nation embraced a banner unexpectedly, when the current banner was first utilized and when the last change was made to the current banner. At you will locate an enormous assortment of pictures of all flags of Asia.

Browse vector documents, pictures, backgrounds or our broad assortment of symbols of every nation in Asia. The pictures are of high caliber. 

Notwithstanding the information about the Flags of Asia you can likewise discover information about pretty much all countries of Asia. With each banner a guide is shown of the nation with the area of the nation in Asia. Here you will discover general information about the countries, for example, the populace, size, populace thickness, capital, official language, government, cash and time region. With each banner you can see the neighboring countries and you can likewise observe what the national flags of the neighboring countries resemble.

Notwithstanding Asian flags you can likewise discover all flags and countries of different landmasses on


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